Pay as you go

Pay in only for what you use

Word count


per thousand pages

Content extraction


per thousand source words

Translation Memory


per thousand translated source words

Translation Proxy


per thousand page views (requests)

Try our price calculator

Price Calculator

Our easy-to-use, yet state-of-the-art price calculator makes sure you always get the best damn price for your translation needs.

Just enter your website's details and get an automated price right away!
One time fee
Word count:  ×   = 
Translation tool:  × 
 ×   = 
Monthly Proxy fee
Proxy:  ×   = 

Optional services

Managed Projects

Managed Projects

Efficient division of labor

Easyling assists you with the technological aspects, making sure that project setup � configuration are done right. Resources are consumed at the regular rate, setup fees vary depending on the project type.

COST: subject to complexity

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Professional Services

Professional Services

Assistance in the most challenging projects

Our professionals provide all the technical support that you need for any complex website translation projects, like JavaScript handling, CSS override, or customized development.

COST: 100 EUR or 120 USD, per 1 hour

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Sales Support

Sales Support

Joining client calls to support your salespeople

We support your sales activities by joining your calls as your proxy expert, answering your customers’ technical questions, helping with your presentation from the technical point of view.

COST: free

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Translation Delivery

Translation Delivery

Proxy or JS

Depending on the security and SEO requirements of your website translation project, you can deliver translated content through the Translation Proxy or go for the in-browser, JavaScript-based solution.

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White labeling

White labeling

Branding for your proxy

Easyling can be made to appear as your brand, on your domain, with your logo, so you can offer it as your own product.

COST: 200 EUR / 240 USD setup fee; 200 EUR / 240 USD monthly fee; minimum one year of commitment

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