Tools & Tricks

Try it: Sales Tool for freelancers and translation agencies

In a previous article, we showed you how to use Easyling for income diversification and get more translation jobs by entering the growing field of website translations. Today we present our new “Sales Tool”, which helps translators automatically create a project for several websites, pre-translate their landing page, and sends an email to the translator with a translation link for post-editing and a direct preview link. Suppose that you want to approach a group of potential new customers, and you already collected the list of URLs. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - April 2014

Now that April has ended, Easyling has gained a few new capabilities, expanding usability even further. We can now create new pages not existing at the original site, group URLs to stop spawning page entries for WebApps, pseudo-translate websites to test if all the content is picked up, translate JSON objects in AJAX calls and JavaScript files, and we also some Advanced Settings to tweak the site’s behavior.Content Override: Easyling can now create a single page on the site from scratch, or even override the selected page’s content with custom HTML specified by the user. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes – March 2014

March Madness has come and gone, and Easyling has been expanded with a number of new features that materialized in the interim.Page and Dictionary Freezing: Once the list of URLs to be translated has been finalized, Easyling can be instructed to freeze the pagelist, or even the entire dictionary, while the quotation/translation work is in progress. Even if people are surfing the website via the proxy, no further pages or translation entries will be added, so translators can work without new segments are appearing. Read the full article

Analytics, Easyling, and You

Google’s Analytics platform is a great tool for measuring site impact and coming up with new ways of improving your site. If your site is already using Analytics, you’ll be able to track both the original and the translated site with the same tracking code (in fact, this is already happening), but by default, Analytics will group the hits from both domains, original and translated, into the same view, and you’ll be unable to separate the impacts of both from one another. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - February 2014

Another month has passed, and Easyling underwent another round of upgrades, fixes. We also exhibited at memoQFest Americas 2014, expanded our Support Team and created a 24-minute-long Training Video. And we keep hiring: JavaScript/DART frontend gurus, Java/Google AppEngine experts, welcome to Budapest! Limited crawling has been added: if you have to quote/process a limited set of URLs provided by the client, use “Add pages”, and Copy/Paste the links and consider it done. Read the full article