Tools & Tricks

Easyling Release Notes - 2014 December

Christmas came and went, and with it, brought us many new and exciting features. Easyling can now preserve whitespaces in translations, letting users insert line breaks; Work Package generation can be restricted to certain paths and pages, in addition to the exclusion rules; we can now create Excel exports of the resources and pages lists (if there are so many of them that it would break your browser’s back); and uploaded Translation Memories can be searched, to see if they contain the proper content. Read the full article

Try it: Sales Tool for LSPs and freelancers

In a previous article, we showed you how to use Easyling for income diversification and get more translation jobs by entering the growing field of website translations. Today we present our new “Sales Tool”, which helps approach a mass of potential customers with a click. The Sales Tool provides pre-translation of several websites’ landing page, and sends an email to the translator with a translation link for post-editing and a direct preview link for each. Read the full article

Recap of Easyling’s Webinar at GALA

Website Localization with Translation Proxy Balázs Benedek, Easyling’s co-founder and COO, held a webinar hosted by GALA last Thursday, Oct. 2nd, 2014. If you missed it, the 1-hour webinar is now available at GALA OnDemand: Recap of the webinar The webinar clarified some basic concepts of the translation proxy technology and then covered more advanced topics: dynamic product catalogs, CSS overriding, the bleed-through phenomenon, content multiplier parameters, workflow automation for the new content and translating content beyond the login sessions. Read the full article

Join us for a LIVE WEBINAR!

**Website Localization with Translation Proxy** presented by Balázs Benedek, hosted by GALA Oct 2nd 2014, 11:00 EDT (17:00 CEST) “In this presentation, Easyling’s Balázs Benedek explains the Translation Proxy approach to website localization from a technical point of view, introducing the issues an LSP should be prepared for, and how to handle typical and not so typical issues of website localization.” Registration is free for GALA members, $60 for non-members. Read the full article

SEO, Easyling, and You

While browsing the most frequented linguist groups, I recently came across a discussion of an article on SEO for hotels and how it impacts customer conversion. One of the most frequent questions I get is on how the translations are stored in Easyling. Believe it or not, these two are closely related. And that prompted me to write this article on how Easyling can help your SEO efforts along.If you’ve been keeping up with this blog, you probably know already what Easyling can do, but for the sake of new readers, a quick recap: Easyling is a website translation proxy - it allows you to take an entire site, extract the content from the pages, process it in your favorite CAT tool, and re-insert the translations, then publish your site, powered by Google’s infrastructure. Read the full article