Tools & Tricks

How to avoid false security shutdowns?

We just had a very busy week! On Wednesday, our user-facing-site got disabled for a short time. What happened? Many companies use the services of Internet security companies specializing in copyright, trademark protection and anti-phishing solutions. These companies can often misinterpret the proxy solution for translation, and identify the yet-untranslated site as an illegitimate copy, and a threat to client security.How does this come to pass? At the heart of the problem lies the fundamental nature of web browsing and how it is implemented: every request made carries a certain set of metadata, called headers, which is visible in the server logs, and can tip off such security companies. Read the full article

Google's Neural Network Translation for your Easyling project

We are excited to announce that we are looking for Beta testers who would like to integrate Google’s Neural Network Translation into their website translation project.Why is Neural Network Machine Translation such a big deal? Before using neural networks, Google’s machine translation was based on large-scale statistical methods. Google’s Neural Network, introduced this September, translates whole sentences instead of isolated words or expressions, using a broader context to achieve better, more accurate translations. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - 2016 September

With September came the new school year in Budapest, and with that, the Proxy returned to school to gain new and enhanced capabilities. Among the new features in September are the progress follower UI providing real-time feedback from long-running tasks, the ability to expel historic untranslated content from a project, and a number of invisible-but-important backend enhancements. See the full details after the jump! Progress Follower One common gripe about the Dashboard in the past was that users had no way of knowing if a long-running process was still executing in the background. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - 2016 August

August is a month of celebration in Budapest, and so it was at Easyling as well: while the rest of the country celebrated the national day, we celebrated our brand new documentation, as well as our new updates that make your life easier and the Proxy more powerful. For example, we can now process tags as resources, set page rules to execute on-the-go search&replace operations during proxying, and we have rolled out the public cache accelerator to the public. Read the full article

Easyling Webinar Series: How to Sell Website Translation?

We are continuing our webinar series in September. (If you missed the first webinar Giving Word Counts for Websites, you can check it out here.) In this webinar, Peter Farago, Easyling’s CEO will cover the sales aspect of website translation: Where do you find good website translation prospects? Some good ideas for clients you haven’t considered yet. How to be proactive when approaching potential clients? Understanding clients’ questions and concerns about website translation. Read the full article