Tools & Tricks

The Bleeding Effect

When using a translation proxy, a frequent question is how new/updated content is handled, because of the time it takes for translators to process the new content and prepare their translations. Apart from using machine translation as a stop-gap measure, the most effective approach is using a staging domain to host your content only for linguists’ eyes before publishing it (and its localized version) for the world to see.Easyling offers the possibility of using staging domains that only the translators may access to process content before publishing. Read the full article

Page modifiers in action: alphabetical sorting of translated text with JavaScript

Some websites contains elements ordered by one of their characteristic, e.g. alphabetical. More often than not, the translated elements requires reordering to keep the original order. In this post 4 different use-case is demonstrated: dropdown list, ordered and unordered list and simple block elements will be ordered using Easyling’s JavaScript page modifier.Dropdown list (select/option) Select your favorite color from this list: BlueGreenRed Unordered list (ul/li) * Beef * Corn * Flour * Garlic Ordered list (ol/li) 1. Read the full article

Localiziation with translation proxy: add custom content via placeholder

Translation proxy is a great and simple solution to provide translated version of any website. The content owner can focus on the original, and the Translation Agency takes care of the rest. However, sometimes it has to go further, beyond translation: custom HTML content must be added, depending on the target locale. To make this happen, you can mark such elements by adding a special class to the element, and a globally unique ID: Read the full article

Training Resources

The New Website Translation Solution - XTM with Easyling Download PPTX Website translation with Easyling (XLIFF files and CAT tool / memoQ) ProZ Webinar - Website localization made easy – online tool for freelance translators and LSPs. Download PPTX Read the full article

Webinar on Website Localization

Thank you to all of you in the Community, who participated yesterday on Easyling’s Website Localization Made Easy webinar. For those who could not be with us and for those who interested to see it again, let me share the presentation materials. ** ** As part of the Free training series organized by, we had the excellent possibility to show you Easyling, the ultimate software-as-a-service solution for website translation for freelancers and translation agencies. Read the full article