Easyling News

Standing up for the LSPs’ right to freedom of choice

We at Easyling strongly believe that each LSP should have free access to the latest technological innovations of the language industry. We claim that any intention to limit this freedom of choice is wrong not just for the LSPs but end-users and the industry as a whole. We do believe that competition should inspire technology providers to improve their services and provide better support to LSPs. * We believe in innovation & client education. Read the full article

Release Notes - 2015 December

Christmas and New Year’s eve passed with presents, champagne, and fireworks here in Budapest. As is customary, Easyling users weren’t left without presents either: December saw the experimental rollout of our DropBox integration, an improvement of the crawler system, a massive regular expression tester, and our greatest present, the frontend for the new multicache feature (see the detailed blog post here). See the details after the jump! Multicache UI Just before Christmas, the user interface for the multicache feature was rolled out, moving from the public beta to a public release. Read the full article

Using the Multicache

On December 22, the public beta of the multicache feature has drawn to a close, and the final user interface was rolled out, giving users the power to add, rename, and assign separate caches to various proxy modes. Recap Easyling has had its caching capabilities for well over a year now. Initially, the proxy only cached the output of the translation process, in order to speed up serving the translated pages if the source remained unchanged - this was called the Binary Cache. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - 2015 November

November has come and gone with cold rains, but despite the glum climate, we still managed to add three fairly major features to our offering, as well as a number of miscellaneous fixes, optimizations, and tweaks. The Translation Proxy now has the ability to translate nested JSON-structures, strip the tags from HTML-formatted attributes, and to apply a default exclusion behavior on new pages in a project. See the full details after the jump! Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - 2015 September

Another month has passed and by now, you might know what this means: Easyling has been given new features and abilities to keep up with website technology and the latest design trends. In particular, this means the ability to meaningfully extract content from HTML embedded inside JavaScript in HTML (yes, it was as confusing as it sounds). On another note, we’re preparing the rollout of a feature to utilize ETag headers to detect changes better during a crawl, and we’ve added the ability to choose right or left alignment of the source text on the Workbench. Read the full article