Easyling News

Easyling webinar - video and recap

We just had our very first Easyling webinar Giving Word Counts for Websites today. In this webinar, we covered the initial step of every website translation project: doing a word count for the quote.Takeaways of the webinar: * Websites are not HTML files any more, but stored in CMSs (Wordpress, Joomla, Magento, Typo3, etc.). This is the reason why word count, content extraction is IT-heavy. But this is an opportunity, too. Read the full article

Announcing Easyling webinars

We are happy to announce the launch of our webinar series! We are planning to host free webinars in various topics, technical and business-related alike. The very first webinar will take place on June 2nd, 2016. Peter Farago, Easyling’s CEO will show you how simple it is to give a word count for any website.You can choose from two time slots: Giving Word Counts for Websites June 2nd, 2016 USA Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - 2016 April

April has brought us a new tradition in Easyling: event favicons - following in Google’s footsteps, we have decided to change our browser tab icon from time to time, and April 1 was just one occasion. But jokes aside, we were hard at work and finished the month with several new features to use in your projects. These include the ability to create one-shot regular expression filters during crawls, we’ve reworked the Work Package interface, and we’ve added the (beta! Read the full article

Easyling on the road: conferences in March

Throughout March, we were busy travelling and meeting with our clients and partners.Warsaw, Poland On March 11-12, Peter Farago, our CEO visited Warsaw, Poland for The Translation and Localization Conference. Among the many thought-provoking presentations, Madhuri Hedge from Mayflower Language Services discussed the possibilities and obstacles of translating e-commerce sites for the Indian market. There are 22 different languages in India, and only 5% of the population is fully fluent in English, so translation is a must for local and global e-commerce site owners. Read the full article

Easyling newsletter - January, 2016

We are proud to announce Easyling’s quarterly newsletter. We’ll be covering company and industry news, trends and provide more insights and tips about our tool. You can read the very first issue here: http://eepurl.com/bNw5eb To subscribe, please click here: https://www.easyling.com/newsletter/ Read the full article