Easyling News

What’s New in Website Translation?

Join Easyling’s Tool Demo at ATC London, 23rd Sept. 2016. Balázs Benedek, CTO and co-founder of Easyling will demonstrate the new JavaScript-based website translation technology, and explain the most important features and differences of Easyling’s Translation Proxy. The Translation Proxy is a fully automated solution for website translation - but it is not suitable for cases where 3rd party involvement is not allowed due to data security/privacy reasons (health records, credit card info, etc. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - 2016 August

August is a month of celebration in Budapest, and so it was at Easyling as well: while the rest of the country celebrated the national day, we celebrated our brand new documentation, as well as our new updates that make your life easier and the Proxy more powerful. For example, we can now process tags as resources, set page rules to execute on-the-go search&replace operations during proxying, and we have rolled out the public cache accelerator to the public. Read the full article

Easyling Release notes - 2016 July

Between the heat and the vacations of July, it has been a fairly light month when it comes to new features. The features that were deployed, however, are just as powerful as always: for instance, project owners now have the ability to execute a regex-based search-and-replace operation over the entire project at the click of a button from the Workbench, or filter a Work Package to include only machine-translated segments (as opposed to including only human-translated ones, or both). Read the full article

Easyling introduces JavaScript-based translation

JavaScript-based translation could be a good fit for cases when the ongoing costs of the translation proxy or the fact that a 3rd party proxy provider is involved in foreign traffic raises issues for the website owner.How does JavaScript-based translation work? In case of JavaScript-based translation, the website owner injects a JavaScript snippet into the website. When a foreign visitor comes to the site, this JavaScript downloads the corresponding TM and replaces all segments on the actual page in the visitor’s browser real-time. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - 2016 May

May has been a bit of a behind-the-scenes month: seemingly nothing changed on the Dashboard, but the Proxy gained a lot of new abilities and several changes were made to the backend, out of sight. We’ve moved our email service from Mandrill to SparkPost, we added the groundwork for customized Work Package generation, a global search-and-replace operation, and an on-the-fly editing of the source content before it is passed to translation. Read the full article