Change log

Easyling Changelog - v642

New features: 1313 feature Dashboard 2.0 New Project overview added 1333 feature Backend, Dashboard 2.0, Frontend Non-recurring crawls can be queued up. Old crawl dialogs deprecated and moved to Dashboard 2.0 Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v641

Fixes: 1328 fix backend responses were indexable for Site Search despite their status codes Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v639

New features: 1323 feature Dashboard 2.0 Informative error messages added to WPG wizard Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v636

New features: 1300 feature backend public cache acceleration defaults to ON for new projects 1302 feature backend lazy migration for projects Fixes: 1303 fix frontend Confirm dialog added for segmentation change Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v634

Fixes: 1297 fix backend Request XTM to generate the XLIFF prior to import Read the full article