Change log

Easyling Changelog - v450

New features: 499 feature backend, Translator use a regular expression to capture only part of a page for translation 505 feature Dashboard UI for regex-based crawl skipping Fixes: 512 fix backend, Dropbox defend against access restriction when uploading great many files at once Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v999

New features: 505 feature Dashboard UI for regex-based crawl skipping Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v448

New features: 495 feature dashboard remove user kind statistics from fresh user interfaces Fixes: 506 fix Dashboard cookies now passed along to crawler, if specified 500 fix language selector language selector now waits for to be available before inserting itself 504 fix backend, publishing change safety notification address for new published projects Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v445

New features: 466 feature dashboard, crawler ability to set crawl-specific restriction rules 485 feature Workbench performance enhancements on the Workbench when dealing with large numbers of entries Fixes: 497 fix dashboard return user feedback of started crawl 488 fix dashboard sort problem with setting "Clear Cookies" in Path Settings dialog 491 fix Workbench Persistence Manager caching no longer discards quick updates 494 fix Workbench users can only see languages they are given access to 496 fix Workbench no more " Read the full article