Change log

Easyling Changelog - v718

New features: 1702 feature frontend added a new option that allows users to generate a Work Package when you set up a Content Extraction crawl. 1711 feature HighlightView updating such an entry's translation that has linked entries on the same page will now result in Highlight View properly updating the translations of linked entries too. 1703 feature WorkBench In "Lenient workflow role checking for editing" Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v720

New features: 1728 feature backend By default, this new option called *Skip resource collecting (faster crawl, populate External links only)* is enabled in Crawl Wizard tool. The crawl won't check the content-type of the external links by preflight request in this case, it just populates them. 1719 feature frontend new option called *Start Discovery along with project creation* is available in the Create New Project section Fixes: 1713 fix WorkBench when starting a pre-translation on the Workbench, the pre-translation will now consider the user's selected workflow role when determining what " Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v717

New features: 1703 feature WorkBench In "Lenient workflow role checking for editing" mode, confirming a segment will consider the user's selected workflow role when done via Save and Confirm, the Tick icon in List View or from Bulk Actions dialog. 1702 feature frontend added a new option that allows users to generate a Work Package when you set up a Content Extraction crawl. Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v715

New features: 1691 feature backend New options to allow to change proxy's default behaviour of excluding numbers from translation. 1697 feature Dashboard 2.0 Sales Tool Wizard does not necessarily require a Scan to be started 1711 feature HighlightView updating such an entry's translation that has linked entries on the same page will now result in Highlight View properly updating the translations of linked entries too. Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v716

New features: 1711 feature HighlightView updating such an entry's translation that has linked entries on the same page will now result in Highlight View properly updating the translations of linked entries too. 1702 feature frontend added a new option that allows users to generate a Work Package when you set up a Content Extraction crawl. 1703 feature WorkBench In "Lenient workflow role checking for editing" Read the full article