Change log

Easyling Changelog - v492

New features: 671 feature Dashboard enable public switching of the Public Cache 669 feature dashboard added on-the-fly source search & replace rules to Path Settings 670 feature Dashboard frontend for the Proxy Gateway (admins only) 676 feature backend various interoperability features for Clay Tablet 672 feature backend user registration reporting Fixes: 668 fix backend, validation do not reset validation codes when not necessary 673 fix backend remove JDO from AppUser accessors 675 fix Dashboard, Accounts proper format checking of XTM user IDs 674 fix backend do not allow tombstoned tasks to restart 677 fix Dashboard minor reliability fix of the spinner near the Statistics table Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v490

New features: 662 feature backend, Translator massive speedup of translation via batched document processing Fixes: 659 fix Dashboard fix intermittent error in auto-selection 664 fix backend JSON Path Tester doesn't require "var json = " once more Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v488

New features: 657 feature backend collect the contents of elements into Resources 653 feature backend Publish client-side translation 654 feature backend enable mass-removal of entries that have no translation whatsoever (BETA) Fixes: 655 fix Dashboard replace legacy upload handlers with dedicated service 656 fix Dashboard minor logic fixes Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v487

New features: 646 feature backend, testing new tests on XLIFF import Fixes: 651 fix Dashboard miscellaneous small UI fixes Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v487

New features: 646 feature backend, testing new tests on XLIFF import Fixes: 651 fix Dashboard miscellaneous small UI fixes Read the full article