Change log

Easyling Changelog - v497

New features: 705 feature Dashboard if entered, crawling cookies are used for limited crawls (Add Pages) as well Fixes: 706 fix backend handle control characters (such as ASCII 03) correctly in html pages 707 fix Dashboard minor copy changes, browsers no longer allowed to autocomplete Basic Auth fields 708 fix Workbench Do not fail when source entry contains control chars Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v496

New features: 700 feature testing more detailed test reporting 704 feature Dashboard wire up ProgressFollower into TMX import Fixes: 698 fix Dashboard, Workbench handle long periods of stasis gracefully 702 fix backend better handling of special characters in file names during resource replacement Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v494

New features: 691 feature backend, Dashboard wire ProgressFollower into crawler for real-time reporting of crawl states 689 feature backend ability to handle concatenated string literals as a single string in JavaScript translation (BETA) Fixes: 688 fix backend update entry listing before pre-translation run if out of date 687 fix Dashboard fix issue with Safari and Strict Mode 690 fix backend serve languageDropdown. Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v493

New features: 681 feature Dashboard progress follower UI for long-running tasks (lower right corner) 680 feature Dashboard purge of entries that have never been translated Fixes: 682 fix Dashboard more robust handling of crawls executing in parallel 683 fix Dashboard minor copy change 679 fix Workbench commenting fixed 684 fix Dashboard Fix target language warning bug in Export Dialog 685 fix Dashboard Add Content Search & Replace sequential notification Read the full article