Change log

Easyling Changelog - v603

New features: 1206 feature backend regex search-and-replace can be made target language specific Fixes: 1198 fix Dashboard fix issue with selecting Workflow Roles on invitation 1199 fix backend send end cursor when Site Search has more hits 1212 fix backend map Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers correctly across linked projects Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v600

New features: 1176 feature Dashbboard 2.0 Migrate Audit Log to new Dashboard 2.0 1171 feature Dashboard 2.0 Add Work Package History to Dashboard 2.0 Fixes: 1169 fix frontend Fix multiline placeholder text appearance 1188 fix JSON Path Tester fix path display in tester 1177 fix Dashboard hide powers that the user may not assign to others 1190 fix backend various fixes to translated site search Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v596

New features: 1165 feature backend replacement of root path during subdirectory publishing Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v595

New features: 1151 feature backend permit Amazon security headers 1150 feature backend proprietary site search for translated pages Read the full article

Easyling Changelog - v594

New features: 1140 feature backend new field for Complexity Matrix: Comments 1144 feature backend, frontend New crawl wizard on Dashboard 2.0 1143 feature frontend upgrade to Angular 4 1141 feature Complexity Matrix New Description field for Dashboard 2.0 Complexity Matrix Read the full article