Easyling Release Notes - May 2019

Summer is almost around the corner, at least according to the calendar. During the spring, we have been busy with proceeding with Dashboard 2, transferring more and more features from the old interface while also adding some useful new subfeatures. This release includes a brand new and redesigned Publish Website UI, target language management, and a new Crawl Log Visualization & Filtering ability.

Also, please note that the Easyling Master Class has been moved to 2019-07-11!

So let’s see what’s new.


Due to unforeseen events, we had to move the date of the Master Class from June 4th to July 11th. If you’d like to attend, please register here:

REGISTRATION: https://share.hsforms.com/1ynah1zkBTfmXR0vfkrpuggmlex

Participation is free but registration is required. WHEN: July 11th, 2019 9 AM to 5 PM WHERE: 19 Oktober 6. St., H-1051 Budapest, Hungary

The Master Class is best suited for users who have been working with Easyling for some time and familiar with Easyling’s website translation tools. In a highly interactive format, we will cover the latest additions to Easyling, demonstrate best practices, and offer a sneak peek at features under development. We also welcome topics for discussion from our users. Following last year’s format, the second half of the Master Class will focus on user suggested topics entirely.


Managing Target Languages

We have added a new card under “Project overview” for managing target languages (at this time, the target language panel is still available on the old interface).

Managing target languages Easyling

When you’re extending the language repertoire for a project, you have the option to select several additional target languages. Of course, the list omits languages already added to the project.

Managing target languages Easyling

Publishing the website / Domain settings

We have moved the old “Publish website » Domain settings” feature to Dashboard 2.0.

Two new features have been added:

  1. Under Publishing Mode in the Website Publish Wizard, TXT records can now be used to verify ownership, in addition to CNAME records - this can make it easier for some corporate entities to verify ownership.

Publishing -domain settings Easyling

  1. Subdirectory publishing mode can also be accessed through the new Publish Website Wizard now. Additionally, the Wizard now provides instructions not only for the trinity of major reverse proxy/web server systems (Nginx, Apache HTTPD, and Microsoft IIS), but also for using Amazon CloudFront, letting your clients leverage their existing CDN.

Domain Setting Easyling

domain settings Easyling

For more information of website publishing, see our documentation: https://proxytranslation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dashboard2/publishwebsite.html

Crawl log filtering and visualization

We have added a new tool for easier readability and interpretation. In addition to search criteria, you can also search by keywords. Click on the filter icon to filter among log entries and a dialog box will pop up:

Crawl log Easyling

Crawl log Easyling

Search results are color coded and can be extended to display further details.

crawl log Easyling

For more information, see our documentation here: https://proxytranslation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dashboard2/crawlanalyzer.html

Check out these new features and let us know what you think at support [at] easyling [dot] com.