Easyling Release Notes - end of 2019, early 2020

We have been busy with continuing the migration of several features to our new Dashboard 2, some unchanged while others in an improved format. Let’s take a closer look!

New cards under Project Overview

The Project Overview section has been extended with several new cards. We migrated the Staging domains settings and also the Miscellaneous options from the old Dashboard without any changes.

For a better summary, we added a new card where the last finished crawl and the next upcoming/active crawl are visible.

Besides, now the project can be deleted and the access to a project can also be rescinded directly from here.

We also moved _Statistics _to the new Dashboard, and as a part of the migration, a new menu is now available where you can generate statistics, and create a card, as well.


**New Request Summary under Crawl List ** A brand new statistical card was added to the Crawl List section, where you can check what type of pages were requested during the crawl. Additionally, some of the miscellaneous requests are now being visualized so that you can see how many pages were processed by the crawler.


Link transformation preview

Using this tool, you can preview how the proxy will transform links on your website before actually going live or without interfering with an already-published website. It works the same way as the Path-specific Settings tab in the Publish Website Wizard.


Usage report

Under the Account settings, we improved the former Usage statistics menu, giving you the ability to export statistics of only select projects, which will be broken down by wallets. You can create daily reports, and add additional recipients. You have access to projects where you are an Owner or an Admin (Backup owner). Additionally, you can check a project’s statistics by clicking on its name.


MT credentials setup

From now on, you can set up project- or account-level MT engine credentials. For the Auto Pre-Translate feature, only project-level credentials may be used, and for the rest of the features that use MT credentials (for instance the Workbench Suggestion feature), we default to project-level credentials where available, falling back to account-level credentials if there are none. Please note however, that this will change in the future!



Path prefix overrides

The features previously in the Path settings dialog have been moved to the new Dashboard, and have been extended with new capabilities, such as path-specific injections (JavaScript and CSS). You can read more about these in our documentation: https://proxytranslation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dashboard2/pathsettings.html?utm_source=release-notes&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=spreadthedocs

Additional changes

As part of the migration process from the old UI, we moved the following features without any changes to the new Dashboard 2.0:

  • Add project + Sales tool 7-add_wizard

  • Auto pre-translate 9-apt

  • Alarm settings 10-alarm

  • Account settings 11-account

  • Project statistics 12-requests-statistics
