Easyling Release Notes - August 2018

During the past 6 months, we have worked heavily on a new Easyling Dashboard experience, both in terms of technology stack in the background, and UI/UX/features as well.

First in stealth mode, but now coming to the spotlight, the redesigned new frontend is publicly available. Not just with a new look, but also with some powerful and useful features are added.

We are longing for your feedback on these features, as well as any feedback on the route to take while gradually migrating all the other ones to the new Dashboard.

Crawl-related features

Being one of the most frequently used feature of Easyling, we worked a lot to improve it, making it more intuitive for recently onboarded users, while keeping all the power of it for our veterans:


We introduced a Wizard, which is replacing the old Discovery-Scan-Add pages dialogs. The new Crawl Wizard


You can now also start a brand new type of crawl, New Content Detection, which is similar to Discover but only counts the words of new content not yet extracted with any previous Scan, helping you make a better estimate for the amount of new content out there.


Under Scans, the number of words visited during a crawl is also tracked and displayed, similarly to Discovery. At the same time, we stopped automatically analyzing the content in the database.


Under Crawl history, we added a new card showing the options you used for the crawl beforehand.Crawl History

New audit log The new audit log was completed with a new feature, _Memo_s. A Memo is a note of 1000 characters at most, and with markdown syntax support. Currently you can add a Memo when you start a crawl or when viewing the audit log events - for the latter, you can add as many _Memo_s as you wish.Audit Log

Work packages The Work package page was useful but was like a one-armed giant: it wasn’t possible to check the settings of a work package. Therefore, we created a new history page, Work package settings, where you can review this information.Work Package List and previous settings