Easyling for Wordpress

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of Easyling for Wordpress Open Beta, a plugin that does all the work for you. With just a few clicks the plugin can be installed and configured and your website is translated. Translating a Wordpress website has never been easier.

To me – a WordPress developer – multilingual websites were always great complications. Coordination with the client's marketing and translation team, converting between different file formats slowed down and often delayed the work. I am sure that hundreds of other WordPress developers have to face the same problems.

For that reason a new website translation plugin has born. Compared to other translation solutions for WordPress, the Easyling plugin simplifies the process greatly. No more .mo or .po files to work with, no weird interfaces you have to translate your “strings” in, only Easyling or your favorite CAT tool and 1 click!

Without further ado, this is where the plugin can be downloaded from: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/easyling-for-wp/

Once you have downloaded and installed the plugin, there are just a couple steps that needs to be taken for your website to be translated:

  1. “Link” your WordPress installation with [Easyling](http://www.easyling.com/website-owners/?utm_source=blog&utm_content=EasylingForWordpess)
  2. Select the Easyling project and languages you want to use on the website

This Easyling for Wordpress plugin then does the magic: retrieves your translations from Easyling only once, and presents it to your visitors using domain-based or URL-based configuration. (See screenshots here)

  * www.example.com for the main language
  * www.example.com/de/ for the German translation


  * www.example.com for the main language
  * www.example.de for the German translation


  * www.example.com for the main language
  * de.example.com for the German translation

So WorldPress Developers, check this out and tell your comments to improve. If you want to same time, money and most importantly your nerves, it is time to go global with Easyling for WordPress.