What’s New in Website Translation?

Join Easyling’s Tool Demo at ATC London, 23rd Sept. 2016.

Balázs Benedek, CTO and co-founder of Easyling will demonstrate the new JavaScript-based website translation technology, and explain the most important features and differences of Easyling’s Translation Proxy.

The Translation Proxy is a fully automated solution for website translation - but it is not suitable for cases where 3rd party involvement is not allowed due to data security/privacy reasons (health records, credit card info, etc.), or where the proxy’s monthly fee is an issue. In such cases, Javascript-based translation can be the answer.

At this demo, you will see how Easyling’s Translation Proxy and Javascript-based tools work through specific examples. You will gain a better understanding of these technologies and how they handle security/privacy issues. The specific costs of both options will be discussed as well.

Join the free Tool Demo to learn more and get your questions answered!

What’s New at Easyling? Website Translation with Proxy & JavaScript approach WHERE: Tool Demo at ATC 2016, London (Details: http://www.atc.org.uk/conference) WHEN: 23rd September, 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM