Seville: a city to live, a city to love

We had an excellent conference in Seville, thanks to the organizers of GALA. It was great to catch up with old friends and finally meet with many of you in person.

I had the chance to leave my booth for the keynote speech of Paula Barbary Shannon from Lionbridge. I found it very motivating and uplifting that even a huge corporation like Lionbridge is able to integrate the lean startup principles to support innovation within the company. So far I’ve heard this kind of approach and spirit from tech giants like Google, Facebook and Prezi - but never from a language service provider. She referred to a book that influenced them at Lionbridge: The Innovator’s Dilemma. I’ll definitely buy it.

Throughout the conference it was raining – usually not very typical of Seville. Following the conference, we had some time to discover Seville a little bit. The whole city was feverishly preparing for the Semana Santa de Sevilla festival (the Holy Week leading up to Easter). Fortunately the weather turned sunny, so I could take a couple of photos.

EME bar, Seville

There are hidden treasures all around Seville. If you enter an alley, you will certainly come across a pleasant surprise, like this secret little restaurant in a gateway.

EME bar, Seville

Our favorite was the EME bar - a small pub on a rooftop right next to the Cathedral. At night, there was a magical view of Seville from here lit by the full moon, facing the impressive building of the Cathedral. No doubt that we’ll be back in Seville soon!

EME bar, Seville