Easyling webinar - video and recap

We just had our very first Easyling webinar Giving Word Counts for Websites today. In this webinar, we covered the initial step of every website translation project: doing a word count for the quote.

Takeaways of the webinar:

  * Websites are not HTML files any more, but stored in CMSs (Wordpress, Joomla, Magento, Typo3, etc.). This is the reason why word count, content extraction is IT-heavy. But this is an opportunity, too.
  * There is a huge number of websites which have not been approached by LSPs, because LSPs wouldn't have been able to handle the IT friction.
  * With Easyling, you can now approach any of these website owners offering your website translation services. (Some examples for good candidates: exhibitors 2 weeks before the exhibition, hotels, local service providers, wineries, etc.)

**Important note: **We are happy to help you with the quotation, or join to your sales presentation online on your behalf.