Easyling Release Notes June, 2020

In June, we have started to slowly return to the office now that the virus is starting to calm down in Hungary (fingers crossed). We had our first online masterclass, and plan to arrange further workshops. Also rolled out some exciting new features – see below the fold!

Easyling masterclass 2020

We had our first online masterclass, with all the recorded sessions available on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLesb7EpiQwOCl2DyT4-mC8abeVOFymMK8 . For more details, see https://www.easyling.com/blogpost/easyling-news/easyling-online-masterclass-2020-the-only-good-thing-about-the-coronavirus/

**Parallel progress update **

Previously, you were able to update the translation progress status for a single page, across all the target languages. Now you can update it for all the pages at once, for all the target languages, which gives you a quicker overview of your project’s state.

Parallel progress update

Parallel progress update 2

Parallel progress update 3

Externalized page redirection handling

Previously, if a page was excluded from translation (externalized), the page was displayed untranslated (in the original source language). With this new development, visitors can be either redirected to the source website, or they can be informed that translation is not available.

Externalized page redirecting

Improved UX for Publish settings

We’ve split “Publishing website” into two separate menu items for better user experience, namely Global settings and per-language settings.

Split publish settings

Split publish settings 2

**Register path prefix for Subdirectory Publishing **

Previously the proxy was unaware of the actual subdirectory where the content was published. While this worked very well, giving great freedom, it could have also led to unintended content ingestion during crawling, causing extra cost and work to remove it.
With this new feature, the intended subdirectory prefix can be set upon publishing, thus the crawler can avoid these sections of the site automatically.

Subdirectory path

Subdirectory path 2

**Price hiding **

Should you want to hide all pricing information from your prospects, now you can do so. You can toggle visibility in the Profile menu.

Price hiding

Price hiding 2

More attribute value matchers

We have improved the HTML attribute matcher, expanding the range of content we are able to handle (most useful for web apps and similar sources).
For the details, see the link below:


Easyling now handles additional meta-tags to improve sharing on social networks.