Easyling at memoQfest 2017

We had the pleasure to participate again at Kilgray’s memoQfest on June 8-9 in Budapest. We met with many old friends and spoke with people who came to Budapest for the very first time.

Balázs Benedek, Easyling’s CTO held an Integration Showcase session where he outlined the options of website translation. He specifically focused on use cases where it is difficult or impossible to get the source content from the client. Although there are content connectors for the various Content Management Systems (CMSs), configuring these tools and injecting the translations back can be cumbersome.  The Translation Proxy solution is an excellent way for content-heavy websites where the collection of source content is difficult plus it enables in-context translation. The ongoing fee of this solution, however, is a withholding factor in some cases. That’s where JavaScript-based website translation comes into the picture; since the translated content is injected into the user’s browser, there is no ongoing proxy fee - but no SEO, either.

In the following video, Balazs shows how SEO can be enabled for a JavaScript-based website translation through a hybrid Proxy-JavaScript solution. He also presents how Easyling’s tools are integrated with memoQ.

For more details on memoQ integration, check this video out: