Why Prodeo Hotel chose Easyling to translate their SquareSpace website?

Buenos Aires based Prodeo Hotel selected the cloud-based, 1-click website generator SquareSpace to create and host their website www.prodeohotel.com. It was a great choice to kick-start and establish the online corporate presence in English.

[2013-06-20-01.16.49-pm ](http://www.prodeohotel.com)

SquareSpace provided neat design, contact forms, analytics but it was lacking in the localization features required to attract foreign-language customers by making the site available in different languages.

Mike Abridello, founder and CEO of Prodeo Hotel, selected Easyling as his preferred translation tool to create the proxy-based live translation of his original site, making it available in 3 additional languages.

Easyling guided him through the following steps:

  * Extracting all the text from the original website;
  * Providing a word and repetition count for price estimation;
  * Quick pre-translation of the site through Google or BING Machine Translation;
  * Post editing the text by in-house language experts in the original context and layout (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get);
  * Delivering the translation as an up-and-running, working website on a temporary domain name for final approval;
  * Finally, making the translations available under: [http://it.prodeohotel.com](http://it.prodeohotel.com), [http://pt.prodeohotel.com](http://pt.prodeohotel.com), [http://es.prodeohotel.com](http://es.prodeohotel.com)

[2013-06-20-01.20.38-pm-150x150 ](http://www.squarespace.com)While all of SquareSpace’s great features are still available to update the original, Easyling took care of the hosting of the new multi-lingual sites, detecting changes on it and keeping them in sync.

Glad we found Easyling” – said Mike. “We’ve been looking for such a great complementary tool to SquareSpace. We could continue using SquareSpace for our main site, while the localized versions, created by our in-house translators, are hosted and operated by Easyling in the cloud.