
Easyling Release Notes - 2018 January

With the new year in full swing, so is development at the proxy. This month, we rolled out a new beta feature completing our Continuous Delivery For Translations pipeline, as well as the option of avoiding population of MT-entries in the Translation Memory. See the full details after the jump! Machine Translation and TMs We have had both machine translation integration, as well as TM-handling for a while now. One of the integral features of TM-handling was the ability to populate the contents of the current project and its translations. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - 2017 December

Preparing for Christmas and the New Year, we have released a host of small tweaks and features. See the details after the jump! data-locale for Language Dropdown Included in the drop-in language dropdown is a data-locale attribute. Customers who want to customize the dropdown using injected/included CSS rules will find this attribute useful in filtering the individual dropdown elements based on the target locale. Tweaks and fixes Over the month, we have improved our handling of ZIP errors during import, made changes to how Auto Pre-Translate emails are structured, and quashed an edge case in how the Workbench segments certain entries. Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - 2017 November

November has passed uneventfully in Budapest, and in gearing up for the holiday season, the Translation Proxy team has put out a few new features working behind the scenes. The system is now more stable when handling ASP.NET pages, able to handle UTF-16/32 pages without a hitch, and in a little housekeeping, you can now request Support to remove pages of a given status code from the project. See the details after the jump! Read the full article

Help us make proxy translation better!

You might have heard about our Dashboard 2.0 redesign effort focusing on ease of use, a refreshed Material Design-based look & feel, improved documentation and an all-around integrated approach to everything we learned from our users about website translation.We love this work, but it won’t happen in a vacuum: we’d love to hear from you! We have prepared a 5-minute survey that we hope can be a small part of our conversation. Read the full article

Release Notes - 2017 October

The Easyling team kept busy during most of October on household chores and bugfixes. Our Content Connector framework/In-Context preview capabilities underwent significant improvements, and New Content Detection is gearing up for full-feature status with some awesome optimizations now complete. Pretty much all of the improvements this month were of the invisible but indispensable variety that improve system stability in all corners. Stay tuned for more features and fixes, Christmas is a-coming! Read the full article