
Easyling showcase at memoQfest 2018

We had a terrific time at memoQfest, thanks to the excellent organization by the memoQ/Kilgray team. There were more than one highlights, great professional discussions and spontaneous moments at the networking events.Balázs Benedek, Easyling’s CTO held a showcase presentation on website translation. Synopsis: Website translation continues to be a tricky job, mostly because each project is different. However, there are some good practices that can greatly reduce customer frustration during the process. Read the full article

Easyling Master Class, May 29

Are you attending memoQfest 2018? We are hosting a Master Class for Easyling users on May 29th, Tue. at Easyling’s office in Budapest, focusing on advanced topics. (New or prospective clients are welcome to visit us at our booth at memoQfest.) Advance registration is required (support at easyling dot com). WHERE: Easyling’s office, Október 6. u. 19., H-1051 Budapest WHEN: 10 AM - 5 PM, May 29, 2018 COST: Free to Easyling’s clients Read the full article

Gala Boston, 2018

_Snow, friends and excellent beer! _ The common denominator for all these things was Gala Boston 2018, March 13 to 16. We had a great time, meeting with our existing and new clients at our booth. Balázs Benedek, Easyling’s CTO held a product demo, presenting the newest features for website translation.If you missed the demo, you can check out the presentation here: Web Content Translation: State-of-the-art Overview and New Opportunities Read the full article

Easyling Release Notes - 2018 February

As another month goes by, so does another round of development for the Proxy. Along with some minor bugfixes and enhancements, we have rolled out the ability to use the Highlight View with work packages, as well as serving outdated content to search spiders. See the full details after the jump! Highlight View with Work Packages While we have long had the ability to display the contents of a given work package in the List View, it was only recently that we were made aware of a use-case where the Highlight View needed to function with work packages. Read the full article