How can I select / exclude pages from word count?
Sep 15, 2014 -
Under the Discovery/Pages menu you can set exclusion patterns. Word count will ignore pages that matches with any of the listed patterns. Read the full article
Under the Discovery/Pages menu you can set exclusion patterns. Word count will ignore pages that matches with any of the listed patterns. Read the full article
Easyling discovers the entire website as if it was a visitor, fetching all the dynamic content as well. However there might be a need to ignore some content multiplicator attributes (like colors, sizes can multiply the entries of a product catalog). In this case you can tell Easyling what expressions, attributes shell be ignored to avoid count the words with the same content multiple times with the different color names in the expression. Read the full article
Yes, since meta-tags are very important for SEO consideration. Read the full article
Easyling can translate JavaScript variables that are properly named in the code, although this requires knowledge of the language and the code in question. Otherwise, content that is not transmitted with the source code of the page will not be detected and translated. Read the full article
Pages can be excluded in the Pages list, either by selecting pages manually, or by specifying entries for path prefixes to be excluded, or included (at the expense of everything else). Read the full article