We've been developing and listening
to customers for 20 years.

That's it.

It’s been a long 20 years

Our team leaders of Extraordinary People

Péter Faragó


“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
– Abraham Lincoln

Zalan Meggyesi

Chief Solutions Engineer

“There was a problem. I made it go away.”
– Author unknown

Balázs Benedek


“Never let a computer know you’re in a hurry.”
– Author Unknown

Péter Siroki

Lead engineer

“Don’t anthropomorphize computers – they hate it.”
– Author unknown

Andrea Barta

Sales & Marketing

“Sales is not about talking. It’s about listening.”
– Author unknown

Attila Keszi

Senior back-end

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”
– Christian Lous Lange

Dániel Varga-Háli

Senior front-end

“Design means being good, not just looking good”
– Clement Mok

Balázs Kiss

Team leader

“Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.”
– Paul Rand

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+(36) 123 45678

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We’re always up for a chat, just make sure you call us before so we can stock up on creamers.

EasyLing / Skawa Ltd.
Október 6. utca 19. Budapest, Hungary H-1051

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